Not a good time to practice Aikido!

16 09 2012

The Italian internet newspaper do not write a single line, lost of course after the muslim-USA problems.. but the Chinese-Japanese crisis because of the tiny uninhabited Senkaku “islands”, or better 8 agglomerate of rocks, little vegetation and maybe in the future.. oil? Not confirmed.. so no actual value except for the pure and illogical idealism and nationalism!

The row has old roots, but in this days the situation has fired up.

In the best American attitude of old Bush times, when election comes around and it is time the people look to the real work of their politicians, these people find some distractions in order to gain power and consense.. and what’s best than a war against old enemies? Real Bush-USA typical strategy but this time the wr would not be in some remote arabic land (and dear Americans are paying dearly, especially these days!!), but it could destroy a difficult and tenous balance in the Pacific region.

Watching Chinese TV and then checking internet I have been surprised the major Italian news did not report a single line of what happened the past few days: the same thing you people see in arabic countries (burning og flags and cars, attacking embassies protected by policemen in full body armor) is happening here, in major cities, Beijing and Shanghai firstly.

Chinese police defending the entrance of Japanese embassies and large group of people trying to break through and throwing rocks to the police.

Many Japanese companies have been isolated and Japanese people attacked, in restaurant or just on the street. Friends around here said to be worried people might come to the club just because Aikido is Japanese. I seriously do not know if Endo sensei will come to China in less than one month: Japanese embassy suggested all Japanese people to avoid trips to China if not strictly necessary.

Even with “tunnel” I am having problems opening Wikipedia and Youtube: in these situation one of the first steps the Chinese government always takes is tight the Internet control.

Everybody is talknig about this, from the taxi driver to the business man. China managed to focus on the ghost enemy, the historical one, so that htey forget why the cost of life is increasing like crazy, especially in Beijing, but the salaries are not going in the same way! Why the population is let to increase again (new “one-cxhild policy”: now it is easier to get a second child, if your parents had no siblings) even if everywhere the talks are about a weak economy growth. But soon it is election time, and China needs to feel a unite nation again with a strong leader not afraid to lead a terrible battle against an old hated neighbour..

And of course, the people that does not have anything to do about this is taken in the cross fire..

I wonder when the western press will start considering this in the proper way!