
aikido and me... ;-)Just a few words about myself..

I’m an Italian man that after an exchange student experience in Trondheim, Norway, moved back up here for research and work..  I lived in Stavanger for 4 years, after 7 years in Trondheim and 2 years in Oslo..

After that, in April 2010, I moved to China, for starting a new chapter in my life. Some new stories, to add to the ones I dream..

I’m an electronic engineer (..booooooring, uhm?) playing around with laser and other photon beams (**cool**!)..

My main interests are Japanese martial arts, photography, travelling, chat/penpals from East Asia, knowing those cultures, learning Japanese language.. yeah, my head has been turned to East for a long time.. the body catched up with the head for a few years.. 🙂 Now (Sept. 2013) it has become a dream again

The content of this blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. The license includes all the pictures taken by me, all the sotires written by me and all the posts where I express a personal point of view.

8 responses

19 10 2006
Manolo (or Manuel or Manu)

Hey man!
how’re you?

I like your website, it’scool
Nice pictures!!

just wanted to say a quick hi! it was nice to meet you and train with you. looking forward to do it again soon.
can you please send me your email address again??
keep in touch!
take care


24 09 2007

Hi You!
I saw you left a comment on 1 of my pictures, so I visited your blog and ….I cannot believe it! I love Japan too and I spent 30muntes reading all your stuff..
anyway, my name is Gambera, I am Italian too (Bologna) and in Thursday I am going to fly to Australia, where I’ll spend 1 year.
Go and read me on my blog!I’ll keep reading yours!

should I write in English on your blog??


18 12 2007
Yoshihisa Masuda



team is not チイム
so チーム is right.


15 01 2008

hi. my head is also turned east…also an aikidoka, interested in japanese art and culture, learning a tad of japanese etc…
your blog is great.
just wanted to say hello from the US…



28 10 2010

Mi chiamo Tania Bolsi e collaboro con il webmagazine italiano http://www.mollotutto.com, che si occupa di raccogliere storie di italiani che hanno deciso di mollare tutto, cambiare vita e trasferirsi definitivamente all’estero.
Penso che la sua storia sia adatta allo spirito del nostro sito, così Le chiedo la sua disponibilità ad avere un’intervista via e-mail.
Le invierò brevi domande, le chiederò dei motivi alla base della sua scelta, del lavoro che fa oggi e che faceva un tempo e dei consigli che si sente di dare a chi vorrebbe mollare tutto.
Sottolineo che tale intervista verrà da me pubblicata sul sito http://www.mollotutto.com senza alcun pagamento da parte sua.
L’opportunità per lei sarebbe ottima: il nostro sito gode di una buona visibilità, anche presso altri mass media, grazie ai numerosi iscritti e visitatori quotidiani.
Spero vorrà cogliere quest’importante opportunità di condivisione e visibilità.
La ringrazio in anticipo della sua cortese attenzione.
Nella speranza di ottenere una risposta affermativa le invio i miei più cari saluti,
Tania Bolsi


30 04 2011

Welcome to China! I’m an American with Italian background, but sadly I speak no Italian… *sigh* Anyway, keep blogging! And I’ll keep reading. ^^



28 03 2012

Greeting to you guys!

I m proud to present you with our very first issue of Nippontō – The Soul of The Samurai, a book aiming towards the history of Japanese sword, also giving its readers tips and advice on how to learn about Japanese Sword and the history behind them.

Nippontō – The Japanese sword is selling very good in Europe, currently we would like to expends market coverage in Asia, US and Canada countries worldwide. Book printed in Italy with a very high quality of pictures, printed copies are ready to sell to martial arts club. For more information please go to http://www.spadegiapponesi.com/eng/index.html

I can be reached at gguzzia@yahoo.com Please feel free for inquiries and other concerns regarding the book. Your feedback and comments on this book shall be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


18 02 2013
Carlotta Mariani

Ciao!! Sto partendo per Trondheim e ho letto la tua intervista nuke.mollotutto.com… approfitto per chiederti un consiglio: come posso trovare l’appartamento?


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